Movilidad Internacional UNINTER
Movilidad Internacional
Intercambios Nacionales e Internacionales
La dirección de Internacionalización tiene como gran prioridad la promoción y organización de los intercambios nacionales e internacionales.
Los estudiantes de licenciatura y de posgrado tienen la oportunidad de estudiar un semestre en el extranjero a partir del 3° semestre, en una de las Universidades nacionales y extranjeras con las que UNINTER tiene convenio. Actualmente son más de 40 convenios en América del Norte, América Latina, Europa y Asia.
Cada semestre la Universidad Internacional recibe estudiantes que provienen de estas mismas Universidades, quienes se integran a clases de licenciatura o posgrado, lo que permite un real ambiente multicultural en el salón de clase
Dónde Puedes Ir de Intercambio
La dirección de Internacionalización tiene como gran prioridad la promoción y organización de los intercambios nacionales e internacionales.
Los estudiantes de licenciatura y de posgrado tienen la oportunidad de estudiar un semestre en el extranjero a partir del 3° semestre, en una de las Universidades nacionales y extranjeras con las que UNINTER tiene convenio. Actualmente son más de 40 convenios en América del Norte, América Latina, Europa y Asia.
Cada semestre la Universidad Internacional recibe estudiantes que provienen de estas mismas Universidades, quienes se integran a clases de licenciatura o posgrado, lo que permite un real ambiente multicultural en el salón de clase.

Los estudiantes de licenciatura y de posgrado, así como los profesores, pueden hacer una solicitud para ir a estudiar o trabajar un semestre o un año a una de las numerosas universidades nacionales e internacionales con las que tiene convenio la Universidad Internacional. Cada semestre la Dirección de Internacionalización abre una convocatoria para los intercambios del semestre siguiente (para las fechas límites favor de consultar el calendario escolar).
Los estudiantes interesados tienen que cumplir con los siguientes requisitos:
- Ser estudiante de 3º a 9º semestre.
- Tener 8.5 de promedio en el semestre anterior al semestre de aplicación.
- Ser estudiante regular, es decir, no deber ningún recursamiento.
- No tener adeudos.
- Escoger una Universidad que ofrezca materias de acuerdo a la carrera que estudia el alumno.
La Dirección de Internacionalización en conjunto con el Colegio de Directores de la Vicerrectoría Académica, evalúan a los candidatos y toman en cuenta otros criterios como:
- Estar inscrito al Diploma Internacional.
- Tener actividades extracurriculares.
- Tener un buen nivel de idioma.
- Trabajar como voluntario en un proyecto comunitario.
- Tener un buen desempeño académico (promedio total de la carrera, números de exámenes extraordinarios, número de recursamientos).
- Tener solvencia económica para realizar su intercambio.
- Tener una buena carta de recomendación de un profesor.
- Tener una buena carta de recomendación del Director de Carrera.
- Entregar un buen ensayo.
- Tener un buen desempeño en la entrevista de selección de candidatos.
Para cualquier pregunta no dudes en acercarte al Departamento de Internacionalización.
Students and Professors of Foreign Universities
On this page you will find all the information to be able to make a request to study or work (in case you are a professor), a semester or a year at the International University.
Why Choose Us?
Academic Excellence: UNINTER has various academic programs from languages, architecture, business to engineering.
Cultural Diversity: Join a global community with students from countries.
Strategic Location: Enjoy Cuernavaca. Known as the eternal spring for its pleasant climate, it is located less than 2 hours from Mexico City and other attractive destinations.
How to Apply
Applying to an academic exchange at UNINTER is simple:
- Notify your mobility coordinator at your university that you want to do an exchange at Uninter.
- Your coordinator will send your data to Uninter.
- Uninter will contact you via email to ask you for the following requirements and start your application:
- Application Form (online)
- A Profile photo for Student ID (.jpg digital).
- Intention Letter.
- Learning Agreement Before Mobility
- Image usage release
- Proof of language knowledge B1 (minimum) in English or/and Spanish (depending on the courses you will attend).
- Once students get their Admission Letter
- Flight schedule
- International insurance policy covering repatriation costs
Where can I find class descriptions?
Contact the internationalization department through requesting the descriptions of the courses you want.
How can I find accommodation?
You can find the accommodation directory in the attached student guide in the "Formats of interest" section.
Do I need a visa for the exchange program?
If you are staying no longer than 180 days (6 months) you don’t have to get the student Visa. If you are planning to stay for more than 180 days, then it is necessary for you to start the process of the Temporary Residence Student Visa. Please contact the Mexican Embassy in your country to consult the official process.
Academic and Cultural Trips
The teachers from the different departments organize different academic and international trips, which take place each semester and during summer. These trips are offered to the students from all the different areas of the university and aim to approach them to different points of view, cultures and to expand their professional background at museums, monuments, congresses, enterprises, etc.
Improve your CV with international experience!
The International Department acknowledges international internships and volunteering for the International Diploma. The experiences of traveling and working abroad are clearly very important and rewarding for the students.
If you are interested, you can visit the International Department for further information. This area collaborates with the Professional Links Department to evaluate the different proposals of international internships to expand your working options.
Embark into an academic trip
Academic Mission
Each year, the International department organizes a special trip called Academic Mission.
This experience consists in 10 days in a foreign country, students will live a cultural immersion by visiting the most emblematic places, learning its history, engaging in their activities and interacting with the locals. Besides this, students will also attend a whole week of course into one of the best universities of the country, said courses are related to each student’s specific profile and grants them full access to the university’s facilities.
This is a two-way dynamic, as Uninter sends students away to later on receive international students. This proposal aims to approach Mexican students to other cultures, and approach other countries to Mexican culture.

International Seminars
The International Department is aware that continuous education and updates are important, that’s why we also offer International seminars open to all the graduate students at Uninter. This project aims to expand into more specific topics related to every student’s academic and professional life.
These seminars have different and diverse experts approaching various topics of global actuality and relevance, the dynamics include conferences, forums and round tables, questions and interactions are always welcome!

The University System for Academic Mobility (SUMA) is an initiative of the Presidency of the Federation of Private Mexican Institutions of Higher Education (FIMPES). This program facilitates student exchanges between member universities, promoting academic and cultural enrichment within Mexico.
Benefits of Participating in an Exchange Program with Red SUMA:
- Academic Growth: Exposure to different teaching methods and academic standards.
- Personal Development: Develop independence, adaptability, and global perspectives.
- Networking: Build international networks with students, professors, and professionals.
- Enhanced Resume: Participation in an exchange program demonstrates to future employers that you are adaptable, culturally aware, and capable of thriving in diverse environments.
- Professional Skills: Skills such as cross-cultural communication, problem-solving, and adaptability are highly valued in the global job market.
- Experience and Exposure: Hands-on experience in different settings can give you a competitive edge in your chosen field.
The Buddy Program pairs new students, especially international and exchange students, with current students to help them integrate into the university community.
- For New Students:
- Smooth transition and personalized support.
- Social integration and network building.
- For Buddies:
- Develop leadership and mentoring skills.
- Gain cultural awareness and personal satisfaction.
- For the University:
- Enhanced student experience.
- Inclusive and welcoming community.
The Buddy Program is a valuable initiative in universities, aimed at easing the transition for new students and enriching the campus community.
Club Amigo is a student-run organization dedicated to fostering connections between Mexican students and exchange students.
Activities for Interaction:
- Welcome Events:
- Welcome Party: Kick off the semester with a fun and informal gathering where new and returning students can meet and mingle.
- Orientation Sessions: Informative sessions to help exchange students navigate their new environment, meet their peers, and learn about Club Amigo’s activities.
- Cultural Exchange:
- Cultural Nights: Regular events where students can share and experience different cultures through food, music, dance, and presentations.
- Language Exchange Workshops: Pairing students to practice Spanish and other languages, promoting bilingual skills and cultural understanding.
- Social Activities:
- Weekly Meet-Ups: Informal gatherings at local cafes, parks, or the university campus to encourage ongoing social interaction.
- Movie Nights: Screenings of popular Mexican and international films followed by discussions to enhance cultural appreciation.
- Excursions and Trips:
- City Tours: Guided tours of local landmarks, historical sites, and cultural hotspots to familiarize exchange students with their new city.
- Festive Celebrations:
- Holiday Parties: Celebrations of major Mexican holidays like Día de los Muertos, Independence Day, and Las Posadas, complete with traditional activities and foods.
INILAT (Initiative for Latin American Exchange) is a program that facilitates academic mobility between universities in Latin America.
Benefits of Participating in the INILAT Exchange Program:
- Academic Enhancement:
- Specialized Courses: Access unique courses and research opportunities not available at your home institution.
- Cultural Exchange:
- Cultural Immersion: Live and study in a different Latin American country, experiencing its culture, traditions, and daily life firsthand.
- Interpersonal Growth: Develop a global mindset and cross-cultural communication skills by interacting with students from diverse backgrounds.
- Networking: Build a network of friends, professors, and professionals across Latin America.
- Global Perspective: Enhance your resume with international experience, making you more attractive to future employers.
- Opportunities: Open doors to further academic and career opportunities through connections made during the exchange.
Unlock new horizons with the Global Grad Program – a unique opportunity for recent graduates to enrich their academic and cultural perspectives through a semester abroad.
Why Choose the Grad Abroad Experience?
- Tailored for Graduates: Designed with the specific needs and aspirations of recent graduates in mind, offering opportunities to deepen academic knowledge and gain practical skills.
- Global Academic Excellence: Collaborate with leading international institutions known for their academic rigor and innovative teaching methods.
- Cultural Immersion: Immerse yourself in new cultures, languages, and traditions, fostering a deeper understanding of global diversity and interconnectedness.
- Career Enhancement: Enhance your resume with international academic credentials and expand your professional network on a global scale.
- Personal Development: Develop independence, resilience, and adaptability as you navigate new academic and cultural environments.
Experience the transformative power of the Grad Experience. Whether you're passionate about academic exploration, cultural immersion, or professional development, this program offers you the tools and experiences to thrive in today's interconnected world. Start your journey towards a global future – apply now and embark on an unforgettable semester abroad!
1 | College of Notre Dame of Maryland | Maryland | |
2 | Francis Marion University | Carolina del Sur | |
3 | Okanagan College | Colombia Británica | |
4 | University of the Virgin Islands | Islas Vírgenes | |
5 | University of Utah | Utah | |
6 | Universidad Regional del Norte | Chihuahua | |
7 | Universidad de Colima | Massachusets - México | |
8 | Universidad de Quintana Roo | Chetumal | |
9 | Universidad del Valle de Puebla | Puebla | |
10 | University of Regina | Saskatchewan, Canada | |
11 | Universidad Mayor | Chile | |
12 | Universidad Ricardo Palma | Perú | |
13 | Universidad de Chiclayo | Perú | |
14 | Univ. Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil | Ecuador | |
15 | Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja | Ecuador | |
16 | Universidad Católica de Brasilia | Brasil | |
17 | Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro | Brasil | |
18 | Universidad Federal de Pernambuco | Brasil | |
19 | Universidad Tecnológica Boliviana | Bolivia | |
20 | U. Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología | Panamá | |
21 | Universidad Morón | Argentina | |
22 | Universidad Iberoamericana | República Dominicana | |
23 | Universidad La Salle | Colombia | |
24 | Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia | Colombia | --%>|
25 | Universidad Nacional de Cuyo | Argentina | |
26 | Pontífica Universidade Católica de São Paulo | Brasil | |
27 | Hanze University of Groningen | Países Bajos | |
28 | École Supérieure d´art et Design ESAD Orléans | Francia | |
29 | École Supérieure d´art et Design ESADSE | Francia | |
30 | Université de Caen | Francia | |
31 | Université du Havre | Francia | |
32 | Universidad Camilo Jose Cela | España | |
33 | Universidad de Cádiz | España | |
34 | Universidad de Vigo | España | |
35 | Universidad de Almería | España | |
36 | Universidad de Minho | Portugal | |
37 | Universidad de Algarve | Portugal | |
38 | Universidade da Beira Interior | Portugal | |
39 | ZHAW | Suiza | |
40 | Hochschule Rhein-Waal | Alemania | |
41 | Unievrsitu of Mannheim | Alemania | |
42 | Università degli Studi di Firenze | Italia | |
43 | IHECS | Bélgica | |
44 | Metropolitan University Prague | República Checa | |
45 | Université François Rabelais | Tours, Francia | |
46 | Universitat de Valencia | Valencia, España | |
47 | Kyung Hee University | Seoul, Corea del Sur | |
48 | The Education University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong, China | |
La Dirección de Internacionalización junto con los directores y profesores de las diferentes carreras, organiza cada semestre y verano viajes académicos culturales internacionales, los cuales tienen como objetivo realizar visitas a diferentes partes del mundo, para que los estudiantes conozcan las diferentes culturas y formas de pensar, a la vez que visitan lugares que están relacionados con su perfil académico, como museos, monumentos, congresos, empresas, etc.
La Dirección de Internacionalización contempla las prácticas profesionales o los voluntariados internacionales para acreditar el Diploma Internacional. Las oportunidades de irse al extranjero y vivir una experiencia laboral son, sin duda, de gran importancia y muy enriquecedoras para los estudiantes.
Si estás interesado, puedes acudir al Departamento de Enlace Profesional que te brindará informaciones sobre esas oportunidades. Regularmente, la Dirección de Internacionalización junto con el Departamento de Enlace Profesional estudian las propuestas de posibles vinculaciones internacionales para ampliar la oferta de trabajo.